Britain's opinions on America
This website is a very up to date news feed which can be seen to read about and get updated of current affairs that are going on in the United States. Articles that are posted consist of various topics from politics, sport and television to local news headlines.
This site can be very informative if you want a quick on the go check up of popular goings on across the pond! As well as feedback from what readers think about specific articles by contributions in the comments, where people can debate and discuss their thoughts. However given that the site is known as a 'gossip' site then all articles would have to be taken with a pinch of salt, due to the style of writing being informative yet exaggerated in places, to make the readers more engaged, and to create more discussions.
Canada's opinion on America
The Canadian Encyclopaedia on the other hand differs from the above website as it provides extensive, tangible and accurate sources of information on Canada for a wide variety of consumers, most notably students and academics throughout Canada and the world. It is a primary foundation on multiple Canadian topics; thus providing information about America with titles such as 'Canada and the United States' and 'Canadian- American Relations'.
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